My movie short will be great. it will be fantastic in fact. I just have to make it. When you decide to make your own movie.. absolutely no one will tell you to hurry up and make it. you wont get your check when you finish. and it will suck up a HUGE amount of effort, time and life savings. BUT. i know i can do it. its been stuck in my head for years and years.. ever since i was a bike messenger in San Francisco back in the mid 90's. I wanted a weapon when i rode. why not make myself the weapon. anyway. long story short after commuting every day into Brooklyn to attach myself to a mac to work in After Effects for a company in LA.. i decided that i can make this movie. and why not! i have been studying Darren make movies for the last 7 years... i got this...But something they dont teach you in film school.. (im just guessing cause i never went to film school) is how to get money for your film. I saw a friend of mine try to get money from Kickstart... only to make 800 bucks out of the 20 grand needed. I just have to make my presentation the best i can. THEN take that to people who might want to actually pay for it. I cant afford to make this.. well i guess i could make it for 5 grand of my own money...but i want to be able to pay my crew. And this muscle car chase scene will have to be with my father in law's Kia and not a stripped down 2010 Dodge Charger. As Darren told me one time.. which i will never forget.. there will always be an audience for a film you make. no matter what the budget. People will see it. Its true..... i still want to make something better than an After Effects tutorial about how to make a bike disappear.
well im rambling now.. just curious. anyone have a 2010 Dodge Charger they want to loan to me for a week? I wont change much on it. i swear.
This picture above is a concept drawing by my friend Patrick Conlon he did the storyboards for my short. And i turned those into an animated movie short ..but need to add sound effects.
My biggest push for this was seeing this by Carl Rinsch (not sure where the original is with the subtitles) and of course my insane love of my bikes, Quicksilver and Mad Max. Put them all together in a blender and ZING.. my movie short.
So i must continue or suffer all artists' greatest opponent- procrastination.
and your not asking for donations why?
Loved "The Gift"! Good luck man! It'll be sweet.
Well, you know you have one huge fan right here and i will watch any movie you make!! And this will rock for sure!!
Let me know if there's something i can help you with!!!
May the force be with you!!
Cosmic kisses, ana
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