Thursday, December 29, 2011



Sabrina Tavernise, Mom Tavernise, Sunny C and Patrick C, and Shara from Westchester are guests on this weeks mind bending podcast. 
Geoff discovers what happens on farms….Niko gets a local…and Sabrina survives the Isreali/American war machine. 
Fun FuN FUN!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Downward Spiral #24 RAY K IS BACK!!!

RAY K is BACK!!!! 

Kim Jong Il bites it..Havel too

we talk smokes, brain killing sinus worms, 

Costa Rica and how Geoff was once an Ebay king!

Friday, December 16, 2011


WALLY B AND SUNNY C join the Spiral along with Shara from Westchester and Akbar (not the lightning) and our boy Judah makes cookies.

Dog shit.
Feder Seder.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Downward Spiral #22 KEN INVADES!

KEN VALLARIO is our special guest on this episode.
I tell the story of when Patti Smith was cured of anger by the Dalai Lama.
Neighbors, James Brown, fake cello playing for The Bushes, police policing, UFOs and a surprise guest who says hi.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Downward Spiral #21 MEN'S HEALTH

The Spiral Army GROWS!
we get guests.
we get naked.
we take our blood pressure.
we get old.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Downward Spiral #20 SUNNY W/ CHANCE OF SPIRAL

SUNNY COVER joins the Spiral for discussions about owning a small business and dealing with bank fees and the crushing of every day mom and pop stores. 
OH and the Dutch make Avian flu 10 times more deadly. Thanks guys!

This one goes out to Patrice Oneil. R.I.P.

(click on 'View in iTunes'.. these have chapters and hotlinks... ooooooooh HOT!)
Also you can subscribe and leave comments. just so we know its not just us listening.. ok? OK!

Friday, November 25, 2011


time to get out the turkey and PEPPER SPRAY!!! yummmmmy

we talk film, food, and art.. 
our roving reporter calls in 
and river monsters ATTACK!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #018 Two Bears, One Cup

Podcast brought to you by "Alpha Brain", Hornitos tequila and Pabst Blue ribbon.

Check out the chapter markers for titles and links. see if you can find Berlusconi hump a meter maid! 

We invade Tim Smith's basement and my wife comes along to keep things spiraling.

NOTE: iPad iPhone for some reason can't download this cast on iTunes... i literally can't figure it out.. anyone out there can help me....? Josh? it seems like a bad enclosure link.. but downloads fine on everything but from the iTunes store.. it truly is a place in hell for googling that issue. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #017 how to make a movie



Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #016 Halloween Madness

OCTOBER Nor'EASTER what the?.... Halloween with no costumes... WHU? people without jobs.. WHHHUUUUUUT!!!!??? and Anonymous takes on the Zetas. damn.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #015 ARTY FARTY had a PARTY

ART art and more art.. we try to understand why we get so upset about auctions and how to spew art from our souls. huh? anyway. we also talk about round worms and raccoon shit. YAY!!! Downward Spiral here we GOooooooooo.........

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #014 Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY!

We yap about shooting big game with your police sanctioned sidearm. We wax on about Qaddafi getting wacked. And we wax off about banks and who really needs a bailout. Yeeehaw...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #013 BE-HuMAn-CeNtiPEdE

This cast we get Biz with Comicon and telling Natalie Portman off. Also we dabble in reality wackiness, Supercomputers and Joan Rivers's smut mouth. Bring IT!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #012 Occupy THIS!!!

Occupy Wall Street.... orrrrr till they need to clean it. we discuss Protests, Design, Reality shows, Comics and Art. LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #011.5 Cat. Eats. Mouse.

We get to the bottom of drunken shrimp, Executions by state, what to wear to a firing squad and we witness Magoo eat a mouse. DEATH DEATH DEATH!!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #010.. ITS A WINNER!

This episode has two very special guests and we get all NOOTROPIC on life in general. 
Lucid dreams abound in this our 10th episode and also our longest and angriest.
Filled with cats and spilled beer we take over Geoff's house. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #009....9/11

Geoff and i talk on this day of Sept 11th .. the 10 year anniversary of Bin Laden's insanity.
we were both around and involved somehow.. it was heavy. to say the least.
anyway... we also talk about fake cigarettes and dirty bombs. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #008.... Labor Day

SWEET IRENE kicked Geoff in the ass. but he overcame. check out the latest and greatest where we get rained on and cricketed to death. A mellow one on the Spiral Scale. 


Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #007.... The Carcast

Geoff gives me a ride home from the airport and we record our banter. a light ride on the Spiral this time. movie and welding talk abound. And who actually killed Natalie Wood? hmmmmmm



Monday, July 25, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #006

HERE WE GO!!! Podcast #006

Shooting up and Shootings!

yay humans!

record breaking heatwave and being fired by Obi Won... we go deep.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lion hiding

ok so Lion was just released and its a cool one.. but there are a bunch of little things that will confuse older mac nerds..
the main one was that they now hide the user library.. HUH? i guess so people don't fuck it up. i guess thats fine.. but i need to see it for transferring between users etc.
so here is the command i found
open terminal and just copy paste this.. and BLAM there be your library again.. more posting this for myself so i don't forget it. but if anyone needs to know..

chflags nohidden ~/Library

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #005

The Downward Spiral Podcast #005

Our special guest Ray Karst joins us on a muggy summer night to talk about baseball and beastiality!
YAY Downward Spiral!!

The Downward Spiral Podcast #005


Monday, July 11, 2011

The Downward Spiral Podcast #004

The Downward Spiral podcast #004
we talk about much nicer things this time. although murder is brought up briefly.

enjoy and let us know what you think.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

"The Downward Spiral" podcast #003

So here it is.. we finally came up with a name for our podcast

The Downward Spiral

we explain why we named it that in the podcast

anyway... here tis ... a special weekend edition.

DS Podcast #003

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Podcast #002 070611

Geoff and i take you on a world tour of art and cannibalism. YAY!
check it out.

as always twitter Geoff and tell him what you think @Gbilly

and me.. well say what you will below. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

PODCAST July 4th #001

It Begins.

Podcast #001

Me and Geoff Feder talk shit.


Feel free to twitter Geoff and talk shit to him. @Gbilly
i have yet to start twitter.
but maybe soon will.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Moonrise Kingdom

Almost done.. been in Rhode Island shooting Wes Anderson's newest film.

bought a 7D for drive speed and video and a 70-200 IS 2.8 II and am in love with a rented 24mm TS 3.5.. talk about control.. you gotta try them.
also watched the entire 5 seasons of Dexter while here....

some time off then onto yet another set in NYC...

Sunday, March 27, 2011


So i have been busy shooting for Jessica Seinfeld's blog My wife Shara and i have been shooting stills every couple o weeks and i have built up an awesome shoulder rig for my 5D to shoot video for her site as well.
The rig is similar to:
but with the new Marshall 5 inch monitor and Zoom with a Rode mic.
Also looking into getting the new Ikan follow focus which hopefully will help.

also have been editing bonus footage for the Black Swan French DVD... just random clips put together including extended interviews and the whole length interview with Vincent Cassel.
in total 50 minutes of unseen footage.. JUST for the FRENCH! hahahah ahem... im sure it will come to the states though.

Black Swan DVD comes out on the 29th of this month. I actually got a PS3 so i can watch the Bluray version. darn the luck. anyway.. my 3 part documentary is on both the Bluray and on the normal DVD.. hopefully Fox didnt re-edit my shit. i read somewhere that they took out stuff of Sarah Lane (dance double) footage because of her wanting more credit etc etc.. all i know is that .. well.. Natalie did dance everything that Sarah did.. nobody i know couldve done that.. so props to Natalie.. but not sure how much was used of her in the actual film. blablablaaa... anyway.. go buy it! and support my ass.. well Darren's actually. im sure Netflix wont have it.. but who uses Netflix anymore besides streaming....
ok go buy it.

also when the hell did Bluray prices drop? i always thought it was 50 bucks a pop... but 20? wow.. good to know..

Thursday, February 24, 2011


for real? 
as a video editor and photographer.. this just blows my mind. thank christ Crapple didnt leave the video pros out in the dust.  thank you Apple.. maybe one day i might actually buy Final Cut. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

"The Delivery" my short, sci-fi film

My movie short will be great. it will be fantastic in fact. I just have to make it. When you decide to make your own movie.. absolutely no one will tell you to hurry up and make it. you wont get your check when you finish. and it will suck up a HUGE amount of effort, time and life savings. BUT. i know i can do it. its been stuck in my head for years and years.. ever since i was a bike messenger in San Francisco back in the mid 90's. I wanted a weapon when i rode. why not make myself the weapon. anyway. long story short after commuting every day into Brooklyn to attach myself to a mac to work in After Effects for a company in LA.. i decided that i can make this movie. and why not! i have been studying Darren make movies for the last 7 years... i got this...But something they dont teach you in film school.. (im just guessing cause i never went to film school) is how to get money for your film. I saw a friend of mine try to get money from Kickstart... only to make 800 bucks out of the 20 grand needed. I just have to make my presentation the best i can. THEN take that to people who might want to actually pay for it. I cant afford to make this.. well i guess i could make it for 5 grand of my own money...but i want to be able to pay my crew. And this muscle car chase scene will have to be with my father in law's Kia and not a stripped down 2010 Dodge Charger. As Darren told me one time.. which i will never forget.. there will always be an audience for a film you make. no matter what the budget. People will see it. Its true..... i still want to make something better than an After Effects tutorial about how to make a bike disappear. 
well im rambling now.. just curious. anyone have a 2010 Dodge Charger they want to loan to me for a week? I wont change much on it. i swear. 
This picture above is a concept drawing by my friend Patrick Conlon he did the storyboards for my short. And i turned those into an animated movie short ..but need to add sound effects. 
My biggest push for this was seeing this by Carl Rinsch (not sure where the original is with the subtitles) and of course my insane love of my bikes, Quicksilver and Mad Max. Put them all together in a blender and ZING.. my movie short. 
So i must continue or suffer all artists' greatest opponent- procrastination.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So i've built my new site .. after.. hmmm.. maybe 5 years it has been sitting there collecting Fountain dust. A lot has happened in that amount of time. i wont go into details but its time i rebuilt.
i will hopefully be posting to this blog more as well as posting more videos on my film page.
I will also post a full gear blog page here as well.. just a list of what i use and what i cant afford to use. etc etc. some links that i look at everyday. mostly camera and film stuff.
also i will have some inside scoops on whats happening with Wolverine which i have already starting shooting the making of for. I hope to keep up a day to day blog for that film.
anyway. enjoy the new site and keep it checked.. i guess i have to add an rss feed... hmmm how the hell do it do that.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Metamorphosis-The Making of Black Swan

I finished editing Black Swan's making of. and i guess its going to be released on BluRay on the 29th of March.
For the last year i have been addicted to reading nerdy camera blogs and soon will delve into that realm as well. since everything i shot on Swan was with my 5D mark II... and soon to be doing the same thing with The Wolverine with Hugh in the summer in Tokyo. i really want to research more into camera rigs etc.
So here is the beginning of Antwrangler's new blog and soon website. "Antwrangler Mark II" like Spinal Tap when they decided to kick out Nigel.